Product Index
Spider Mite Control-Neoseiulus fallacis
Product ID: NFPredators
Neoseiulus Amblyseius fallacis, the All-Purpose predatory mite, is used for the prevention, control, and management of various spider mites. These mites are voracious predators of several pestiferous spider mite species. N. fallacis can prevent and control a number pest mites in a multitude of conditions. Some of the species they can impact include: the two-spotted mite, carmine red mite, European red mite, citrus red mite, southern red mite, six-spotted mite, privet mite, cyclamen mites, broad mites.
Aphidoletes aphidimyza
Product ID: AA2000
The aphid midge, Aphidoletes aphidimyza, is a cecidomyiid fly whose larvae are effective predators of aphids. The predacious larvae of these delicate, 3 mm. mosquito-like midges are best used for controlling substantial populations of more than 60 species of aphids. They feed by biting aphids and paralyzing them with a toxin before sucking out the aphid body fluids. They kill 3-50 aphids per day. Aphidoletes aphidimyza are used to control aphids indoors in commercial greenhouses and interior plantscapes as well as outdoors in orchards, shade trees, roses and home gardens.
Biological Grasshopper Bait
Product ID: NL10
Nolo Bait grasshopper bait is an EPA registered biological control for grasshoppers, and Mormon crickets. This single-celled microsporidium protozoan in a wheat bran formulation infects and naturally controls over 90 species of grasshoppers, locusts, and mormon crickets. Nosema should be broadcast in affected and outlying areas; apply early in the season as the hoppers emerge, which is when Nosema is most effective. It is registerd in the following states: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, Wyoming.
Spider Mite Predator- Amblyseius californicus
Product ID: NAB5
The predatory mite Neoseiulus californicus has characteristics of both type II specialist predatory mites and type III generalist predatory mites. Neoseiulus californicus prefers Tetranychid mites as food, but will also consume other mite species, small insects, such as thrips, and even pollen when the primary prey is unavailable. It’s often used to control the twospotted spider mite, and other phytophagous mites on various crops in temperate and subtropical regions around the world. Neoseiulus californicus tolerates high temperatures and low humidity. It targets all stages.
Steinernema Feltiae
Product ID: SF11
Steinernema feltiae nematodes are the product of choice when your problems concern more active, shallowly occurring pests of fungus gnat or mushroom fly larvae, root aphids, etc. These nematodes feature a shallowly-present habit like S. carpocapsae, but an intermediate active-hunting “cruising” characteristic which may make them superior to many other species for the purposes specified. In fact, due to their shallow-cruising nature, S. feltiae are said to be the best nematodes for fungus gnat larvae and root aphids They tolerate cold better than the others as well.
Red Wigglers Composting Worms
Product ID: RDWigglers
Red wiggler worm! By far, these guys are the best gardeners on the planet, and will only help your lawn and garden. Red wiggler worms are nature's ultimate composting worm and a great pick for worm farms. Red worms go by many names. They're often called red wigglers, tiger worms, manure worms, composting worms, and the trout worms. Whatever you call them they're among the best composting worms available. Unlike common earthworms that borrow deep into the soil red worms thrive in the first several inches of topsoil directly beneath decomposing vegetative organic matter. It really doesn't matter what the matter is red worms love it. Decaying leaves, grasses, wood, and animal manure are all favorites of red worms.