Instructions on Bumblebee hives


  1. Receiving and unpacking your NATUPOLÔ If your hive(s) were shipped by UPS, the nectar tank in the hive unit(s) must be uncapped. Please refer to the “Attention” sticker located on the cardboard lid for instructions. Please contact Buglogical 520-298-4400 if there are any questions. 1. Open the shipping container carefully to avoid disturbing the hive. Keep the hive temperature between 60°F and 80°F until you are ready to place it in the greenhouse. a. On the end of the box you will find a number indicating the week the bees were shipped. b. For Excel hives, a second number indicates the week you should remove the hive from the greenhouse. 2. You may inspect the hive by opening the hinged lid of the NATUPOL box. View the bees through the plastic top of the hive. You will see bees walking on the insulation that covers the brood.
  2. DO NOT disturb the bees by tapping on the box. Placing the hive in your crop. • Place the hive on a stand or bench between the plants at the beginning of an aisle. • Keep the hive on a stable, horizontal surface. Do not place it on vibrating or swinging poles. • Keep the hive away from bright sunlight, especially when greenhouse temperature is above 85 ° In warm conditions, provide shade on all sides. • Don't put the hive in front of fans or close to a vent intake. • Avoid locations where people gather. Both bees and people are more comfortable if the hive entrance is away from people!
  3. Opening and closing the flight door the foraging of the bees can be controlled by adjustment of the flight door. The flight door is a blue plastic plate, located on the right-hand side of the box. There are three positions for the door, which are described below.  Closed position: This is how your hive will arrive. This position does not allow bees to get out or come in.

How greenhouse conditions can affect your bumblebees • Fans can kill many bees. Use a minimum of 1/4" mesh screen to protect bees. • CO2 Lines: Don't place hives too close to CO2 lines. High concentrations of CO2 will make the bees much less active, resulting in lower pollination levels. • Materials: Some types of plastic affect the light quality, interfering with the bee’s flight and reducing pollination performance. • Grow Lights: Bumblebees can be used in combination with grow lights. However, in the absence of natural daylight, the lights can distract the bees from their normal flight behavior. If you use grow lights, observe the following points: o Always shut off the lights at least one hour before sunset. The bees will return to their hive in a natural way at the end of the day. o Keep lights at least 2 feet above the crop.