Spider Mites

 Spider Mite Predators

 Neoseiulus fallacis, Amblyseius andersoni, Phytoseiulus persimilis, Amblyseius swirskiGalendromus occidentalis, Neoseiulus californicus, Mesoseiulus longipes, Stethorus punctillum.

Neoseiulus fallacis is an extremely effective spider mite predator. It is the most effective preventer of spider mites available. In long term crops usually one application at a rate of 1 to 2 mites per square meter is enough to achieve multi-year spider mite control. In starving conditions, fallacis is a generalist, capable of feeding on many other pests, especially their eggs. If no pest is present, fallacis will survive on wind-blown pollen.

It's to control two-spotted spider mites and other mites on greenhouse peppers, field strawberries, raspberries, currants and mint. In British Columbia, Washington and Oregon, IPM programs for field berry crops are based on using Fallacis as the primary control for spider mites. Fallacis is also used on container and field-grown nursery stock. Research in Oregon found that Fallacis can control the spider mites ilicis,  ununguis, and urticae on woody ornamentals Thuja, Skimmia, Weigela, Potentilla, Euonymus, and Buddleia and bamboo mite (Schizotetranychus celarius). Fallacis feeds on apple rust mite Aculus schlectendali, cyclamen mite Steneotarsonemus pallidus and tomato russet mite Aculops lycopersici, however, whether it controls these species is not known.  Fallacis is more resistant to pesticides than most biological controls and a strain highly resistant to pesticides is available commercially. Unlike other predatory mites, such as the Persimilis predatory mite, Fallacis can remain in areas with low levels of spider mites, they survive in the absence of mite prey by feeding on other small arthropods and pollen. They do best where there is a dense plant canopy and when relative humidity is over 50%.

Amblyseius andersoni  is a predatory mite that feeds on many types of small arthropod prey and pollen. It is ideal for preventive protection of greenhouse or outdoor ornamentals, vegetables and fruit crops. Predator of two-spotted spider mite, European red mites, broad mites, cyclamen mites and russet mites. Will also feed on pollen and thrips larvae allowing the population to survive when pest mite populations decrease. Active at a broader temperature range 43-104°F than Phytoseiulus persimilis and Amblyseius californicus. Since it is effective at lower temperatures, Amblyseius andersoni can be introduced much earlier in the growing season than other predatory mites. For best results, release Amblyseius andersoni when pest mite populations are low. The predatory mites will feed on small colonies of pest mites, preventing them from growing in to large populations that can cause major crop damage. These mites can also survive on young larvae of thrips, flower pollen, sugary excretions from pests, and fungi, so they can be introduced before the prey is present.

Amblyseius Swirski Predatory Mite, Amblyseius swirskii is an excellent biological control agent and has been used in controlling tiny pests such as whiteflies, thrips and spider mites that cause a serious damage to many economically important crops grown both in the greenhouses and fields. Effective against the following pests: Asian Citrus Psyllid, Broad mites, russet mites, two spotted spider mite, Western flower thrips, Chilli thrips, Asian Citrus Psyllid, Greenhouse whitefly, and Tobacco whitefly. 

Amblyseius swirskii is a very effective generalist predatory mite used to suppress immature thrips, two-spotted spider mites, cyclamen (or strawberry) mites (Phytonemus pallidus), broad mites (Polyphagotarsonemus latus), mites of the genus Schizotetranychus and whiteflies in ornamental, fruit and market garden crops. Adults are pear-shaped, 0.5 mm long, with long legs. The eggs are round and transparent and measure 0.14 mm in diameter. These mites lay their eggs on leaf hairs (trichomes) and along the veins on the inner surface of leaves. The eggs hatch about 3 days later.

Stethorus punctillum is one of the most important and frequent predators of spider mites in fruit orchards. Beetles consume all stages of mites; adults can consume 75 to 100 mites per day and large larvae can devour up to 75 mites per day, so they quickly lessen an outbreak of spider mites. Adults are very active when in fruit trees and if disturbed they will often fall to the ground. They are good fliers, and therefore tend to concentrate in areas of the orchard where mites are plentiful and disappear when the mite population becomes low. There must be 2-5 motile mites per leaf to keep S. punctum in an orchard, and pockets of 8-10 mites per leaf are required for reproduction.

Target Pests Two-spotted spider mite, European red mite, Spruce spider mite, Southern red mite, The Stethorus punctillum is a specialized spider mite predator in the lady beetle family

Approximate release rates for predatory mites:

  • For tomatoes and cucumbers, 10 predator per plant plus 1-2 per infested leaf.
  • For other greenhouse crops, tropical plants, and outdoor gardens, 2,000 per 3,000 sq. ft.
  • For bedding plants, 4,000-8,000 per 5,000 sq. ft.
  • For large agri-business, 25,000 - 50,000 per acre depending on infestation.

Amblyseius swirskii slow release 500 sachets / 250 swirskii in each sachet

Product ID: SW500 SML-Qty 500 sachets of 250 Swirskii per sachet

Amblyseius swirskii slow release 500 sachets of 250 swirskii per sachet. total of 125,000 swirskii.
The generalist predatory mite A. swirskii is widely used against whiteflies, thrips and is also very effective in controlling broad mites and russet mites. If you want to gradually apply predatory mites, the Swirski-Mite slow-release sachets are a better choice. These bags contain the predatory mites, food, and bran for protection. The mites reproduce in the bag and move from there into the crops. The slow release will last up to 4 weeks.
Amblyseius Swirskii-100 sachets / 250 swirskii in each sachets Slow Release Mite

Product ID: SML-Qty 100 sachets of 250 Swirskii per sachet

Amblyseius swirskii, a predatory mite that's not all that picky when it comes to its daily meal. It eats many species of small insects and mites, which is ideal when different types of pests occur simultaneously. Amblyseius swirskii is primarily known as a thrips predator that is ideal for warmer climates as it is native to the Mediterranean. It feeds not only on thrips, but also broad mites, russet mites, as well. If you want to gradually apply predatory mites, the Swirski-Mite slow-release sachets are a better choice. These bags contain the predatory mites, food, and bran for protection. The mites reproduce in the bag and move from there into the crops. The slow release will last up to 4 weeks.
Amblyseius andersoni

Product ID: AA50

Predator of two-spotted spider mite, European red mites, broad mites, cyclamen mites, and russet mites. Amblyseius andersoni is is a predatory mite that feeds on many types of mites. It is ideal for preventive protection of greenhouse or outdoor ornamentals, vegetables and fruit crops.
Amblyseius Swirskii- Fast Release predatory Mites 25,000 & 50,000

Product ID: SM25

Amblyseius swirskii is a very effective generalist predatory mite used to suppress immature thrips, two-spotted spider mites, cyclamen mites, broad mites, and whiteflies in ornamental, fruit and garden crops.
Spider Mite Control - Persimilis

Product ID: PP10

This predatory mite feeds exclusively on spider mites and consumes 2 or 3 adult females or several dozen eggs in a day. Persimilis can reduce spider mite population to very low numbers in two to three weeks.
4,000 P. persimilis predatory mites $44.85
10,000 P. persimilis predatory mites $81.25
Phytoseiulus persimilis

Product ID: persimilis_10,000

This predatory mite feeds exclusively on spider mites and consumes 2 or 3 adult females or several dozen eggs in a day. Persimilis can reduce spider mite population to very low numbers in two to three weeks.

Phytoseiulus persimilis This bright orange predator is native to the tropics of South America. It does best in a humid environment of 60 to 90% relative humidity. Does best where tempertures remain below 90 degrees F. Persimilis is sensitive to high tempertures and low relative humidity. A humidity of 60% or lower has a negative effet on the hatching of the eggs and the development of Persimilis. If spider mite problems occur in a hot and dry environment, Longipes or Californicus will provide better control than Persimilis. Persimilis can reduce spider mite population to very low numbers in two to three weeks. Since Persimilis are faster and stronger than their prey they easily catch and eat them. When released they smell their prey, then move quickly throughout the plant. Persimilis work best from tempertures of 50 t0 90 degrees F. They then die from lack of food. In situations where the pest reinfest the plants, we suggest introducing persimilis every 3 to 5 weeks or introducing either Occidentalis or Californicus in combination with Persimilis.

Galendromus occidentalis is a very versatile mite predator and tolerates high temperatures low and high humidity (40-85%) well, both indoors and out. Does best in warm weather (80° to 110° F). Tolerates low humidity of inland valleys. Does not do well in cool coastal areas. Goes into diapause (hibernation) in colder temperatures. Recommended for greenhouses only if plants are maintained as low as 40% relative humidity. It is native to California and has ben researched for spider mite control in almonds, grapes, and many other ornamentals and plants. This predator is well adapted for outdoor use and can perform in hot situations where humidity remains above 40%. Use G. occidentalis to control spider mites, two spotted mites, Russet mites, and others on gardens, greenhouses, and orchards of all types. Adults eat 1-3 pest adults or up to 6 pest eggs/day. Release rates indoors, 2-3/sq. ft. bi-weekly, 1-2 applications; outdoors, 5,000-20,000/acre, bi-weekly, 1-2 applications.

Neoseiulus californicus predatory mites consume their prey at a more leisurely pace than do their friends Mesoseiulus longipes and Phytoseiulus persimilis, one adult or a few eggs per day, they can survive longer under starvation conditions and can also live on a diet of pollen. In plants where it is very hard to detect the first spider mites, Californicus may be introduced preventatively, Completes a generation in one to two weeks depending on temperature (12 days at 64º F, 4 days at 90º F). The female lays about 3 eggs per day for two weeks and lives about 20 days. At 77º F the female can consume 5.3 spidermite eggs per day. Does best in warm humid conditions, but will also tolerate low humidity (40% - 80% RH at 50° - 105°F). Occurs along coast and inland valleys of California. PESTICIDES: Susceptible to pesticides. Avoid using any pesticide one week prior or one week after releasing predators. STORAGE: Highly perishable, should be used immediately upon delivery. If storage is absolutely necessary, refrigerate at 40°-50° F. (6°-10° C). Not to exceed 3 days, to minimize mortality. They are not canabalistic and survive shipping very well. Release 1 - 4 per plant or 1 - 2 per square foot in greenhouses at the first sign of spidermites. Use 10,000 per acre in field. Later releases will require much higher numbers to be effective. Releases of californicus can be made when Spider mites are present and laying eggs. even if no spider mites have been found yet. N. californicus need a minimum of 40% humidity and ideal temperatures 60-90 degrees F. Can tolerate temperatures up to 105 degrees F. Works great in gardens and greenhouses.

Mesoseiulus longipes is similar to P. persimilis but can tolerate lower humidity 40% at 70 degrees F. but requires higher humidity as tempertures increase. M. longipes are effective in temperatures up to 100 degrees F, although a comparable increase in humidity is required. Apply these predators in warm greenhouses and interiorscapes with artificial lighting. The lifespan of the adults, the form in which they are shipped, is 34 days. Release rates indoors, 3/sq. ft. bi-weekly, 1-2 times; outdoors, 5,000-20,000/acre, bi-weekly, 1-2 times.