Product Index

Minute Pirate Bugs (Orius insidiosus)

Product ID: MP11

Orius insidiosus, a general predator also called the minute pirate bug, is an aggressive thrips predator – possibly the most effective. It attacks and kills all mobile stages of thrips, leaf hoppers, including adult thrips and leafhoppers. Orius is aggressive – it consumes 12 thrips per day but kills many more than it eats. Minute pirate bugs are generalist predators of spider mites, aphids, thrips, leafhoppers, psyllids, white flies, insect eggs, and small caterpillars. They actively search for, pierce, and feed on their prey with straw-like mouth parts. Nymphs and adults can eat 30 or more spider mites a day.
Bumblebees- Natural Pollination

Product ID: Bumblebees

Natupol Excel Fast Start Up provide pollination of crops with a high number of flowers per m2, crops grown under artificial light and in warmer climates. One hive with one colony of bumblebees including a queen, 75-125 workers. Bumblebees used for pollination of various crops in the greenhouse,
The problem is the amount of focused manpower needed to properly carry out the pollination process. That’s where commercially produced bees come in: commercial bumblebee hives, for example, are designed exclusively for crop pollination. Not just for tomatoes, but other crops as well: peppers; cukes; squash; cane-, straw-, blue- and cranberries; and many other crops in need of primary or supplemental pollinators.
Steinernema Carpocapsae Nematodes

Product ID: SC10

The Steinernema carpocapsae is considered a generalist parasite and has been effectively used to control a variety of insects including: flies, flea, ants, termites, webworms, cutworms, armyworms, girdlers, some weevils, and wood-borers. This species is an ambush forager, standing on its tail in an upright position near the soil surface and attaching to passing hosts, even capable of jumping. As an ambush forager, Steinernema carpocapsae is especially effective when applied against highly mobile surface-adapted insects and below-ground insects are also controlled by this nematode. Steinernema carpocapsae is an evolved insect-killing symbiosis with bacteria and kills its hosts within a few days of infection. This parasite releases its bacterial symbiont along with a variety of proteins into the host after infection, and together the bacteria and nematode overcome host immunity and kill the host quickly.
Amblyseius Cucumeris

Product ID: ACT10

Amblyseius cucumeris, are useful for the prevention, control, and various thrips and mites species. Predatory mite for the control of thrips larvae and two-spotted spider mites, broad mites, russet mites, and cyclamen mites. A. cucumeris are tough, flexible predators that happen to prefer thrips, mostly the immature thrips stages. It moves quickly to attack eggs, larvae and small adult thrips and mites. These predators are supplied two different ways: a bulk product in vermiculite for fast distribution and consumption; and a sachet product for slow preventive releases over an 3-4-week period.
Universal Release Boxes- Pack of 100

Product ID: URB100

Universal Release Boxes are for distributing other organisms not sold in sachets without over-the-top applications. Ideal for flowering crops to keep buds free from debris. Hang low inside canopy like a sachet for best results.
250 Mil. Heterorhabditis bacteriophora nematodes

Product ID: HB250

Heterorhabditis bacteriophora nematodes occur naturally in soil, but not at high enough levels to provide effective pest control. Inundative releases are necessary to reduce insect populations below economic thresholds. In some cases, recycling through host insects will occur to minimize the need for subsequent applications. Some target pests that have been controlled (to varying extents) by H. bacteriophora in field tests are white grubs, Japanese beetle, grubs, northern masked chafer, black vine weevil, strawberry root weevil, citrus root weevil, Colorado potato beetle, cucumber beetles, red imported fire ant, several other soil-inhabiting insects, and filth fly maggots in manure.