Product Index

Red Wigglers Composting Worms

Product ID: RDWigglers

Red wiggler worm! By far, these guys are the best gardeners on the planet, and will only help your lawn and garden. Red wiggler worms are nature's ultimate composting worm and a great pick for worm farms. Red worms go by many names. They're often called red wigglers, tiger worms, manure worms, composting worms, and the trout worms. Whatever you call them they're among the best composting worms available. Unlike common earthworms that borrow deep into the soil red worms thrive in the first several inches of topsoil directly beneath decomposing vegetative organic matter. It really doesn't matter what the matter is red worms love it. Decaying leaves, grasses, wood, and animal manure are all favorites of red worms.
Special Blend Predatory Spider Mites

Product ID: SB10 special_blend_predatory_spider_mites

These predatory mites are Natural and Organic way to Control Spider mites. Special Blend Mite Predator, normally consisting of an assortment of the following predatory mites; A.cucumeris, N. californicus, P. persimilis. and A. swirskii. Special Blend is best used in unknown environments/growing conditions. Our Special Blend takes the guess work out of which mite should be used in your Garden, Green House, or Grow Room.
Steinernema Carpocapsae Nematodes

Product ID: SC10

The Steinernema carpocapsae is considered a generalist parasite and has been effectively used to control a variety of insects including: flies, flea, ants, termites, webworms, cutworms, armyworms, girdlers, some weevils, and wood-borers. This species is an ambush forager, standing on its tail in an upright position near the soil surface and attaching to passing hosts, even capable of jumping. As an ambush forager, Steinernema carpocapsae is especially effective when applied against highly mobile surface-adapted insects and below-ground insects are also controlled by this nematode. Steinernema carpocapsae is an evolved insect-killing symbiosis with bacteria and kills its hosts within a few days of infection. This parasite releases its bacterial symbiont along with a variety of proteins into the host after infection, and together the bacteria and nematode overcome host immunity and kill the host quickly.
Steinernema Carpocapsae

Product ID: SC11

Steinernema Carpocapsae nematodes (SC) is most effective against flea larvae, termites, ants, and caterpillars in lawns, garden soil, and under trees where larvae pupate. S. carpocapsae tends to be most effective when applied against highly mobile surface-adapted insects. Steinernema carpocapsae nematodes use sit-and-wait strategy ambush to attack highly mobile insects.
100 mil. Steinernema carpocapsae & Heterorhabditis bacteriophora nematodes

Product ID: SCHB 100 Mil.

Steinernema carpocapsae and Heterorhabditis bacteriophora an evolved insect-killing nematodes that kills its hosts within a few days of infection. The Steinernema carpocapsae and Heterorhabditis is considered a generalist parasite and has been effectively used to control a variety of pest insects.
Mix the two together and cover up to one acre. $68.50
Steinernema Feltiae./Steinernema Carpocapsae mixed

Product ID: SCSF10

The Steinernema and Feltia nemateodes mixed are the most effective against larval control of fungus gnats, several fly species (sciaridae, phoridae, leaf miners, domestic fly and also of some moth larvae. They patrol the top 3" of the soil. Target pests include: Fungus Gnat, Flies, Fruit Flies, Flea Beetles, Saw Flies, Tachina Flies, Crane Flies, Shore Flies and fruit flies. SC- Fleas, Codling moth, Subterranean Termites, German cockroach, Asian cockroach, American cockroach, Fruit fly, Armyworm, Beet armyworm, Cucumber beetle, Artichoke plume moth, Cutworms, Sod webworm, Earwigs, Black cutworm, Mole cricket, Corn earworm, Cotton bollworm, Tobacco budworm and leafminers, Iris borers.