Green Lacewing - Chrysoperia carnea

Product ID: GVP10
The Green lacewing larvae is the most beneficial stage with the lacewings. They feed on soft-bodied insects like aphids, but will also feed on caterpillars and some beetles. The biggest benefit of lacewing larvae is how aggressive they are. They will eat anything they can catch, and they are always hungry. They’re also cost effective, especially the eggs. They have the ability to quickly knock down moderate levels of aphid infestations, as well as help control many other pests.
Green Lacewing eggs are oval and pale green. Just before the larvae hatch, eggs turn gray. The eggs are shipped in vials with food and a carrier such as rice hulls, bran or vermiculite.

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Green Lacewing eggs on card

Product ID: 5mGreen Lacewing card

Lacewings stay where you place the cards in your garden, and the larvae are voracious feeders on those pesky bugs. The larvae are voracious predators used to control a wide range of soft-bodied pest insects. Green Lacewings larvae eat aphids, mealybugs, spider mites, leafhopper nymphs, moth eggs, scale, thrips, and whiteflies. The best time to release is early morning or late afternoon. The cards can be stored at no lower than 50°F for up to 48 hours.

The eggs are on perforated hanging cards, hang the cards, from the hole in the card, near the underside of leaves in the target area.
