Fly Control with Parasite Predators - Nasonia vitripennes, Muscidifurax zaraptor


Buglogical has designed a Fly Control Program using regular releases of fly parasites and beneficial nematodes.

First, use regular releases of fly predator parasites based upon the prescriptions to the right.

Second, use beneficial nematodes once or twice a year to treat manure piles or any areas where fly larvae populations may be abundant.

Suggested Prescription
No. Horses No. Pupae Frequency
1-5 7,500 Every 3 Weeks
5-10 7,500 Every 2 Weeks
10-15 10,000 Every 3 Weeks
15-20 10,000 Every 2 Weeks
20-25 10,000 Weekly


To start a fly control prescription program click here


Our fly parasite predators are a combination of 3 different species: Spalangia cameroni, Muscidifurax zaraptor and Muscidifurax raptorellus. Using all three different species will reduce the fly population more effectively. Fly Parasites Predators are gnat-sized, nocturnal, burrowing insects which do not bite, or sting humans and animals. Adaptable to all climates, these parasites reproduce in one to two weeks, thus constantly replenishing the beneficial insect population. The fly Parasites predators are the naturally occurring enemy of all manure breeding pest flies. In nature these tiny insect predators serve as a major check of fly populations by destroying flies in the immature maggot and pupa stages. Fly Parasite Predators are specific to flies, never attacking anything else. It's important to realize that these tiny wasps have absolutely no effect on horses or humans. They stay close to the manure and dirt where filthy pest, and even if they could reach you or your horse, the fly parasite predators are so small that they cannot sting. Their main purpose in life is to act as a natural predator against filthy flies and they do a great job. Fly Parasites Predators are a preferred alternative to chemical insecticides that are hazardous to human and animal life. NO ADVERSE SIDE EFFECTS. A major benefit of biological control is that it avoids completely the adverse side effects of chemical sprays, such as poison residue in the environment affecting not only the pests but also non-target animals (songbirds, beneficial insects, etc.) and most importantly your domestic stock. This is a serious problem as some of the common spray residues are effective for up to 3 or 4 years, and remember that poisonous toxic chemicals become less effective with repeated use.

Biological Control

These fly parasites are the naturally occurring enemies of manure-breeding flies. Flies are destroyed in the pupa stages. These parasites are very tiny wasps, Muscidifurax zaraptor, about the size of the head of a house fly (1/16 to 1/8 inch) which live in the manure, feeding on fly pupa. Adult female parasites lay an egg on the fly pupa within the pupation. Then the developing parasite larva consumes the pupa and emerges as an adult parasite. These fly parasites are specific to flies and do not attack anything else. They are bite less and stingless to humans and go unnoticed. They self-propagate in the process of controlling pest flies. However, due to low parasitism levels, mass releases are needed. Also, each wasp lays fewer eggs than each fly over the same time period, making it necessary to start with an initial wasp release with weekly supplemental releases following. Releases occur before and during the fly season. Chemical sprays must be discontinued in areas of the poultry house where these wasps are used. Never treat the entire manure surface with insecticides, with the exception of cyromazine (Larvadex), otherwise, both beneficial insects as well as pest flies will be killed. A strict sanitation program is required under fly parasite releases involving manure management, water management, weed mowing, etc. Keep manure dry, since wet manure promotes fly pest breeding and inhibits beneficial insect breeding. Also, when the poultry house is cleaned out, leave areas of old dry manure to provide a reservoir of Beneficial’s to repopulate the house as new flies occur. Fly parasites are tiny, wasp-like insects that eat fly pupae (the developing fly). Though the tiny pupae eaters are members of the wasp family, they don't sting or bite. In the undisturbed natural environment, this natural enemy of the pest fly keeps the fly population in check without any of the dangers of pesticides. Muscidifurax raptor and Spalangia endius, Spalangia cameroni, Muscidifurax zaraptor, and Muscidifurax raptorellus as they are called, are members of the Chalcididae family, a family that contains many of the world's beneficial insects. These insects are friendly fellows that destroy the pest flies in the pupa stage by eating the pupae. Or they may lay their eggs inside the pupae as part of their own reproductive cycle, and when the little parasites' eggs hatch inside, they eat the fly pupae. They emerge 30 days later as adult fly parasites, ready to mate and start the cycle over again. That is how they eliminate flies, and they self-propagate in the process. Neat, clean, effective, before the fly can become an adult. In fact, that is how they are shipped to arrive at your farm ready for application inside the pupae of the pest flies. Just sprinkle them on or near the manure and other pest fly breeding sites and they will emerge and get to work. And they search for fly pupae, so they will find them wherever they are. Fly parasites live on manure and other fly-breeding areas to destroy the pest flies at their source, never becoming pests themselves, and they are specific to flies, never attacking anything else. They are very small and hard to see, and they are generally more active at night. The female fly predator's life span ranges from two weeks to six months, long enough to deposit all of her 200 to 300 eggs. (The pest fly lives about 30 days and the female fly can lay up to 900 eggs.) When the pest fly population is under control and there are no pest fly hosts, the female fly predator will reabsorb her own eggs as a source of nourishment to enable her to live up to a month or so longer while waiting for other pest flies to come along and lay their eggs. Although fly parasites are experts at eliminating the earlier stage of the pest fly, they cannot do anything to rid us of the existing adult flies. So while we are waiting for the adult fly's life span to come to an end, there may be a temporary need for compatible methods of controlling the adult population until the numbers are reduced through pupal elimination. Do not use pesticides, however, as these will destroy the fly parasites. The use of fly traps is recommended instead as it is a safe method. Becoming fly-free is a gradual process if the fly population is already abundant; not all flies will disappear immediately. The number of fly parasites needed for your individual situation depends on the size of your operation, the number of animals, the severity of the current fly problem, your location in reference to other farms, and the results you want to achieve. Fly parasites will self-propagate in the process of destroying pest flies, but may be unable to reproduce quickly enough to control huge numbers of pest flies. The pest flies can travel up to a half a mile a day, which means there will always be pest flies migrating in from neighboring areas whereas fly parasites can only disperse themselves a few hundred feet from where they have emerged. Pest flies reproduce more readily than the fly parasites, so applying adequate numbers of parasites when needed is important to achieve and maintain control. Monthly applications may be advised throughout the entire fly season to keep the fly parasite population heavy enough to get and keep things under control. It is certainly easier to prevent a pest fly problem than it is to get rid of one once it is established, and although control can be achieved at any time of the year, it is best to start a biological fly control program as early in the spring or summer as possible, or when the first flies begin to appear. Monthly applications can be continued throughout the fly season until the first fall frost

Fly Parasite Predators Prescription Fly Control Program

Product ID: PFC

Three species of predatory fly parasites mixed in your order: Spalangia cameroni, Muscidifurax zaraptor and Muscidifurax raptorellus.
Fly Parasites Predators & Prescription Program

Product ID: FPP10

There are 3 species of mixed predatory fly parasites in your order: Spalangia cameroni, Muscidifurax zaraptor and Muscidifurax raptorellus. Fly parasites search fly-breeding areas for fly pupae containing developing flies. Once inside, the eggs hatch inside the fly pupa and feed on the developing fly and after two to three weeks of feeding, an adult fly parasite emerges to repeat the cycle. Each female fly parasite can kill approximately 100 immature flies in her lifetime.
Fly Parasites 10,000, 15K, 25K, 30K, pupae

Product ID: FPP11

Three species of predatory fly parasites mixed in your order: Spalangia cameroni, Muscidifurax zaraptor and Muscidifurax raptorellus.
Fly parasites are an effective natural enemy of flies. Frequent releases of fly parasites can drastically reduce common housefly and stable fly populations. Fly parasites search fly-breeding areas for fly pupae containing developing flies. Once a fly parasite finds a pupa, it drills a hole through the casing and inserts several eggs through the hole.
Once inside, the eggs hatch inside the fly pupa and feed on the developing fly and after two to three weeks of feeding, an adult fly parasite emerges to repeat the cycle. Each female fly parasite can kill approximately 100 immature flies in her lifetime.