Product Index

Green Lacewing - Chrysoperia carnea

Product ID: GVP10

The Green lacewing larvae is the most beneficial stage with the lacewings. They feed on soft-bodied insects like aphids, but will also feed on caterpillars and some beetles. The biggest benefit of lacewing larvae is how aggressive they are. They will eat anything they can catch, and they are always hungry. They’re also cost effective, especially the eggs. They have the ability to quickly knock down moderate levels of aphid infestations, as well as help control many other pests.
Green Lacewing eggs are oval and pale green. Just before the larvae hatch, eggs turn gray. The eggs are shipped in vials with food and a carrier such as rice hulls, bran or vermiculite.
Fly Parasites Predators & Prescription Program

Product ID: FPP10

There are 3 species of mixed predatory fly parasites in your order: Spalangia cameroni, Muscidifurax zaraptor and Muscidifurax raptorellus. Fly parasites search fly-breeding areas for fly pupae containing developing flies. Once inside, the eggs hatch inside the fly pupa and feed on the developing fly and after two to three weeks of feeding, an adult fly parasite emerges to repeat the cycle. Each female fly parasite can kill approximately 100 immature flies in her lifetime.
Garden Insects Variety Pack

Product ID: LBP10

Garden Variety Pack Combination: two bags of 600 ladybugs, 1,000 green lacewing eggs $46.45
The Garden Deluxe Pack: Two bags of 600 ladybugs, 1,000 green lacewing eggs and 10 mil. mixed nematodes for $59.85
Hetrorhabditis bacteriophora/Steinernema carpocapsae/feltiae mixed

Product ID: HBSCSF12

Heterorhabditis bacteriophora, Steinernema carpocapsae, Steinernema feltiae. Three types of beneficial nematodes to eliminate over 200 different types of pest insects in your garden soil.
Heterorhabditis bacteriophora Nematodes

Product ID: HB10

Heterorhabditis bacteriophora are the beneficial nematode of choice when your problems concern all types of grubs, Japanese beetle larvae and Japanese beetles. These nematodes boast a deep-moving active-hunting with cruising characteristic which make them superior to many other species for grub control and Japanese beetles.
Praying Mantis - Tenodera aridifolia sinensis

Product ID: PRM-01

The praying mantis is an ambush hunter: it sits very still, blending in with its surroundings and waiting patiently for an unwary insect to come near. Then it easily snatches its unsuspecting victim -- some much larger than itself. When it spots one, it takes the mantis only 50-70 milliseconds to strike out with its forelegs and snare its prey. The diet of the praying mantis includes all sorts of insects and spiders, and sometimes even frogs, lizards, or mice.
Encarsia formosa

Product ID: EF10

Encarsia formosa is used for whitefly control in greenhouses on tomatoes, strawberries and in floricultural and nursery plants. 3,000 EF 36.25, 7,500 EF $75.00, 15,000 EF $127.75
Amblyseius swirskii slow release 500 sachets / 250 swirskii in each sachet

Product ID: SW500 SML-Qty 500 sachets of 250 Swirskii per sachet

Amblyseius swirskii slow release 500 sachets of 250 swirskii per sachet. total of 125,000 swirskii.
The generalist predatory mite A. swirskii is widely used against whiteflies, thrips and is also very effective in controlling broad mites and russet mites. If you want to gradually apply predatory mites, the Swirski-Mite slow-release sachets are a better choice. These bags contain the predatory mites, food, and bran for protection. The mites reproduce in the bag and move from there into the crops. The slow release will last up to 4 weeks.
Amblyseius Swirskii-100 sachets / 250 swirskii in each sachets Slow Release Mite

Product ID: SML-Qty 100 sachets of 250 Swirskii per sachet

Amblyseius swirskii, a predatory mite that's not all that picky when it comes to its daily meal. It eats many species of small insects and mites, which is ideal when different types of pests occur simultaneously. Amblyseius swirskii is primarily known as a thrips predator that is ideal for warmer climates as it is native to the Mediterranean. It feeds not only on thrips, but also broad mites, russet mites, as well. If you want to gradually apply predatory mites, the Swirski-Mite slow-release sachets are a better choice. These bags contain the predatory mites, food, and bran for protection. The mites reproduce in the bag and move from there into the crops. The slow release will last up to 4 weeks.
Special Blend Predatory Spider Mites

Product ID: SB10 special_blend_predatory_spider_mites

These predatory mites are Natural and Organic way to Control Spider mites. Special Blend Mite Predator, normally consisting of an assortment of the following predatory mites; A.cucumeris, N. californicus, P. persimilis. and A. swirskii. Special Blend is best used in unknown environments/growing conditions. Our Special Blend takes the guess work out of which mite should be used in your Garden, Green House, or Grow Room.
Steinemema Kraussel

Product ID: sk250 steinemema_kraussel

The beneficial nematode Steinernema kraussei and provides a rapid curative control of black vine weevil. It has the added advantage of being cold-temperature tolerant. Will control black vine weevil larvae in soil temperatures down to 41°F.
Aphidius colemani, ervi mix

Product ID: ACE aphidius_colemani__ervi_mix

Aphidius colemani and Aphidius ervi are both parasitic wasps of a wide range aphid species. Using a mix of the two has a far greater probability of success in a greenhouse situation. Aphid endoparasitic wasps including Aphidius colemani and Aphidius ervi are 2-3 mm and 4-5 mm long and slender bodied, respectively. These two endoparasitic aphid wasps are mixed in a single package to target their different aphid species.
100 mil. Steinernema carpocapsae & Heterorhabditis bacteriophora nematodes

Product ID: SCHB 100 Mil.

Steinernema carpocapsae and Heterorhabditis bacteriophora an evolved insect-killing nematodes that kills its hosts within a few days of infection. The Steinernema carpocapsae and Heterorhabditis is considered a generalist parasite and has been effectively used to control a variety of pest insects.
Mix the two together and cover up to one acre. $68.50
Amblyseius andersoni

Product ID: AA50

Predator of two-spotted spider mite, European red mites, broad mites, cyclamen mites, and russet mites. Amblyseius andersoni is is a predatory mite that feeds on many types of mites. It is ideal for preventive protection of greenhouse or outdoor ornamentals, vegetables and fruit crops.
Amblyseius Swirskii- Fast Release predatory Mites 25,000 & 50,000

Product ID: SM25

Amblyseius swirskii is a very effective generalist predatory mite used to suppress immature thrips, two-spotted spider mites, cyclamen mites, broad mites, and whiteflies in ornamental, fruit and garden crops.
Aphidius colemani

Product ID: AM10

The wasp genus Aphidius is a large group containing numerous species, all of which attack aphids and provide natural control of aphids in backyard gardens, commercial fields, and urban landscapes. They are generally used in greenhouses.
Aphidius colemani are small braconid wasps. Females lay eggs singly in aphid nymphs. The wasp larvae consume the aphids from inside. As the larvae mature and the aphids are killed, the aphids turn into mummies. After the larvae pupate, each adult wasp emerges through an exit hole cut in the mummy. In addition to killing aphids directly, mechanical disturbance of aphid colonies by the searching behavior of the adult wasps causes many aphids to fall off the plants and die.
Aphidus ervi

Product ID: Aphidus ervi10

Aphidius ervi attack many species of larger aphids such as the green peach aphid and brassica aphids.

A relatively large wasp (twice the size of Aphidius colemani) with a black, slender body with brown legs and long antennae. The female wasp injects an egg in the aphid with her ovipositor. Hatched larvae eat the aphid from the inside leading to the formation of a a golden-yellowish-brown mummy. Finally, a new adult parasitic wasp leaves the mummy through a round hole.
Encarsia formosa and Eretmocerus eremicus mix

Product ID: EE-encarsia_formosa_and_eretmocerus_eremicus_mix

Mix biological control agent mix contains the hymenopterous parasites, Encarsia formosa and Eretmocerus eremicus. It controls the younger larvae of greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum, and silverleaf/sweetpotato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci, by host feeding and the older larva by parasitism reproduction.