Biological Solutions

Pest Problems Biological Solutions Pest Problems Biological Solutions
Beneficial Nematodes   Beneficial Nematodes
Ladybugs , Green Lacewings , Aphidoletes , Aphidius , Praying Mantis , Orius (Minute Pirate Bugs) , Garden Variety Pack   Beneficial Nematodes
Beneficial Nematodes , Trichogramma , Orius (Minute Pirate Bugs) , Green Lacewings   Beneficial Nematodes
Beneficial Nematodes   Beneficial Nematodes , Ladybugs
Beneficial Nematodes   Ladybugs , Trichogramma , Orius (Minute Pirate Bugs) , Green Lacewings
Beneficial Nematodes   Cryptolaemus , Ladybugs , Green Lacewings
Mosquito Dunks , Praying Mantis   Beneficial Nematodes
Trichogramma , Ladybugs , Orius (Minute Pirate Bugs) , Green Lacewings   Beneficial Nematodes
Trichogramma , Orius (Minute Pirate Bugs) , Green Lacewings   Mosquito Dunks , Praying Mantis
Beneficial Nematodes   Bumblebees (Bombus impatiens)
Beneficial Nematodes , Trichogramma , Orius (Minute Pirate Bugs) , Green Lacewings   Beneficial Nematodes
Beneficial Nematodes   Beneficial Nematodes
Beneficial Nematodes   Beneficial Nematodes
Trichogramma , Beneficial Nematodes , Orius (Minute Pirate Bugs) , Green Lacewings   Ladybugs , Green Lacewings , Praying Mantis
Beneficial Nematodes   Decollate Snails
Beneficial Nematodes   Beneficial Nematodes
Beneficial Nematodes , Fly Parasite Predators   P. persimilis, M. longipes, N. californicus , Green Lacewings , Praying Mantis , Garden Variety Pack
Trichogramma , Orius (Minute Pirate Bugs) , Green Lacewings   Beneficial Nematodes
Hypoaspis , Beneficial Nematodes   Beneficial Nematodes
Hypoaspis , Beneficial Nematodes   Amblyseius Cucumeris , Orius (Minute Pirate Bugs) , Hypoaspis , Ladybugs , Garden Variety Pack
Nosema Iocustae bait   Beneficial Nematodes
aphidius-colemani/ , Ladybugs   Beneficial Nematodes
Beneficial Nematodes   Encarsia Formosa , Delphastus , Green Lacewings , Orius (Minute Pirate Bugs)

Steinernema feltiae Nematodes

Product ID: SF10

Steinernema feltiae is primarily used against fungus gnat larvae and western flower thrips pupae in the soil. Fungus gnat larvae may be parasitized in any larval stage. The SF nematode has a very active-hunting “cruising” characteristic.
Steinernema Feltiae

Product ID: SF11

Steinernema feltiae nematodes are the product of choice when your problems concern more active, shallowly occurring pests of fungus gnat or mushroom fly larvae, root aphids, etc. These nematodes feature a shallowly-present habit like S. carpocapsae, but an intermediate active-hunting “cruising” characteristic which may make them superior to many other species for the purposes specified. In fact, due to their shallow-cruising nature, S. feltiae are said to be the best nematodes for fungus gnat larvae and root aphids They tolerate cold better than the others as well.
Steinemema Kraussel

Product ID: sk250 steinemema_kraussel

The beneficial nematode Steinernema kraussei and provides a rapid curative control of black vine weevil. It has the added advantage of being cold-temperature tolerant. Will control black vine weevil larvae in soil temperatures down to 41°F.
Amblyseius Swirskii- Fast Release predatory Mites 25,000 & 50,000

Product ID: SM25

Amblyseius swirskii is a very effective generalist predatory mite used to suppress immature thrips, two-spotted spider mites, cyclamen mites, broad mites, and whiteflies in ornamental, fruit and garden crops.
Amblyseius Swirskii-100 sachets / 250 swirskii in each sachets Slow Release Mite

Product ID: SML-Qty 100 sachets of 250 Swirskii per sachet

Amblyseius swirskii, a predatory mite that's not all that picky when it comes to its daily meal. It eats many species of small insects and mites, which is ideal when different types of pests occur simultaneously. Amblyseius swirskii is primarily known as a thrips predator that is ideal for warmer climates as it is native to the Mediterranean. It feeds not only on thrips, but also broad mites, russet mites, as well. If you want to gradually apply predatory mites, the Swirski-Mite slow-release sachets are a better choice. These bags contain the predatory mites, food, and bran for protection. The mites reproduce in the bag and move from there into the crops. The slow release will last up to 4 weeks.
Amblyseius swirskii slow release 500 sachets / 250 swirskii in each sachet

Product ID: SW500 SML-Qty 500 sachets of 250 Swirskii per sachet

Amblyseius swirskii slow release 500 sachets of 250 swirskii per sachet. total of 125,000 swirskii.
The generalist predatory mite A. swirskii is widely used against whiteflies, thrips and is also very effective in controlling broad mites and russet mites. If you want to gradually apply predatory mites, the Swirski-Mite slow-release sachets are a better choice. These bags contain the predatory mites, food, and bran for protection. The mites reproduce in the bag and move from there into the crops. The slow release will last up to 4 weeks.