Biological Solutions

Pest Problems Biological Solutions Pest Problems Biological Solutions
Beneficial Nematodes   Beneficial Nematodes
Ladybugs , Green Lacewings , Aphidoletes , Aphidius , Praying Mantis , Orius (Minute Pirate Bugs) , Garden Variety Pack   Beneficial Nematodes
Beneficial Nematodes , Trichogramma , Orius (Minute Pirate Bugs) , Green Lacewings   Beneficial Nematodes
Beneficial Nematodes   Beneficial Nematodes , Ladybugs
Beneficial Nematodes   Ladybugs , Trichogramma , Orius (Minute Pirate Bugs) , Green Lacewings
Beneficial Nematodes   Cryptolaemus , Ladybugs , Green Lacewings
Mosquito Dunks , Praying Mantis   Beneficial Nematodes
Trichogramma , Ladybugs , Orius (Minute Pirate Bugs) , Green Lacewings   Beneficial Nematodes
Trichogramma , Orius (Minute Pirate Bugs) , Green Lacewings   Mosquito Dunks , Praying Mantis
Beneficial Nematodes   Bumblebees (Bombus impatiens)
Beneficial Nematodes , Trichogramma , Orius (Minute Pirate Bugs) , Green Lacewings   Beneficial Nematodes
Beneficial Nematodes   Beneficial Nematodes
Beneficial Nematodes   Beneficial Nematodes
Trichogramma , Beneficial Nematodes , Orius (Minute Pirate Bugs) , Green Lacewings   Ladybugs , Green Lacewings , Praying Mantis
Beneficial Nematodes   Decollate Snails
Beneficial Nematodes   Beneficial Nematodes
Beneficial Nematodes , Fly Parasite Predators   P. persimilis, M. longipes, N. californicus , Green Lacewings , Praying Mantis , Garden Variety Pack
Trichogramma , Orius (Minute Pirate Bugs) , Green Lacewings   Beneficial Nematodes
Hypoaspis , Beneficial Nematodes   Beneficial Nematodes
Hypoaspis , Beneficial Nematodes   Amblyseius Cucumeris , Orius (Minute Pirate Bugs) , Hypoaspis , Ladybugs , Garden Variety Pack
Nosema Iocustae bait   Beneficial Nematodes
aphidius-colemani/ , Ladybugs   Beneficial Nematodes
Beneficial Nematodes   Encarsia Formosa , Delphastus , Green Lacewings , Orius (Minute Pirate Bugs)

Fungus Gnat and Thrips Control - Hypoaspis miles (Stratiolaelaps scimitus)

Product ID: HP10

Stratiolaelaps scimitus (formerly Hypoaspis miles) is a soil-dwelling mite capable of the prevention, control, and management of sciarid flies, shore flies, root aphids and various thrips and soil pests.
50 Mil. Nematodes mixed SC, HB, and SF.

Product ID: 50 Mil. SC, HB, Sf

HB-SC-SF mixed package of 50 Million Nematodes will treat up to 1/2 acre.
Heterorhabditis bacteriophora, Steinernema carpocapsae, Steinernema feltiae. Three types of beneficial nematodes to eliminate over 200 different types of pest insects in your garden soil.
Encarsia formosa

Product ID: EF10

Encarsia formosa is used for whitefly control in greenhouses on tomatoes, strawberries and in floricultural and nursery plants. 3,000 EF 36.25, 7,500 EF $75.00, 15,000 EF $127.75
Spider Mite Control - Persimilis

Product ID: PP10

This predatory mite feeds exclusively on spider mites and consumes 2 or 3 adult females or several dozen eggs in a day. Persimilis can reduce spider mite population to very low numbers in two to three weeks.
4,000 P. persimilis predatory mites $44.85
10,000 P. persimilis predatory mites $81.25
Trichogramma brassicae/minutum/platneri mixed

Product ID: TRHmixed

Trichogramma brassicae, minutum and platneri mixed all on one card- Trichogramma are among the smallest insects, having a wingspread of about 1/50th of an inch. Despite its size, this parasitic wasp is an efficient destroyer of the eggs of more than 200 species of moths and butterflies which are leaf eaters in the larval stage.
Amblyseius Cucumeris

Product ID: ACT10

Amblyseius cucumeris, are useful for the prevention, control, and various thrips and mites species. Predatory mite for the control of thrips larvae and two-spotted spider mites, broad mites, russet mites, and cyclamen mites. A. cucumeris are tough, flexible predators that happen to prefer thrips, mostly the immature thrips stages. It moves quickly to attack eggs, larvae and small adult thrips and mites. These predators are supplied two different ways: a bulk product in vermiculite for fast distribution and consumption; and a sachet product for slow preventive releases over an 3-4-week period.