Biological Solutions
Encarsia formosa and Eretmocerus eremicus mix
Product ID: EE-encarsia_formosa_and_eretmocerus_eremicus_mix
Mix biological control agent mix contains the hymenopterous parasites, Encarsia formosa and Eretmocerus eremicus. It controls the younger larvae of greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum, and silverleaf/sweetpotato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci, by host feeding and the older larva by parasitism reproduction.
Eretmocerus eremicus
Product ID: Eretmocerus eremicus10
Eretmocerus eremicus is a tiny parasitic wasp (~1 mm in length) that attacks whiteflies and many species of Aphids. Greenhouse whitefly, Sweet potato whitefly, Silverleaf whitefly, Poinsettia whitefly, woolly whitefly, Citrus whitefly and bayberry whitefly. But unlike E. formosa, which lay their eggs in the 2nd through 4th immature whitefly stages, Eretmocerus eremicus females lay their eggs underneath those same stages, with a preference for the 2nd instar stage. The wasps’ larvae which hatch from the eggs begin to enter the host and thus slowly weaken and kill the developing whiteflies from the outside-in.
Fly Parasites 10,000, 15K, 25K, 30K, pupae
Product ID: FPP11
Three species of predatory fly parasites mixed in your order: Spalangia cameroni, Muscidifurax zaraptor and Muscidifurax raptorellus.
Fly parasites are an effective natural enemy of flies. Frequent releases of fly parasites can drastically reduce common housefly and stable fly populations. Fly parasites search fly-breeding areas for fly pupae containing developing flies. Once a fly parasite finds a pupa, it drills a hole through the casing and inserts several eggs through the hole.
Once inside, the eggs hatch inside the fly pupa and feed on the developing fly and after two to three weeks of feeding, an adult fly parasite emerges to repeat the cycle. Each female fly parasite can kill approximately 100 immature flies in her lifetime.
Fly parasites are an effective natural enemy of flies. Frequent releases of fly parasites can drastically reduce common housefly and stable fly populations. Fly parasites search fly-breeding areas for fly pupae containing developing flies. Once a fly parasite finds a pupa, it drills a hole through the casing and inserts several eggs through the hole.
Once inside, the eggs hatch inside the fly pupa and feed on the developing fly and after two to three weeks of feeding, an adult fly parasite emerges to repeat the cycle. Each female fly parasite can kill approximately 100 immature flies in her lifetime.
Fly Parasites Predators & Prescription Program
Product ID: FPP10
There are 3 species of mixed predatory fly parasites in your order: Spalangia cameroni, Muscidifurax zaraptor and Muscidifurax raptorellus. Fly parasites search fly-breeding areas for fly pupae containing developing flies. Once inside, the eggs hatch inside the fly pupa and feed on the developing fly and after two to three weeks of feeding, an adult fly parasite emerges to repeat the cycle. Each female fly parasite can kill approximately 100 immature flies in her lifetime.