Biological Solutions
250 Mil. Heterorhabditis bacteriophora nematodes
Product ID: HB250
Heterorhabditis bacteriophora nematodes occur naturally in soil, but not at high enough levels to provide effective pest control. Inundative releases are necessary to reduce insect populations below economic thresholds. In some cases, recycling through host insects will occur to minimize the need for subsequent applications. Some target pests that have been controlled (to varying extents) by H. bacteriophora in field tests are white grubs, Japanese beetle, grubs, northern masked chafer, black vine weevil, strawberry root weevil, citrus root weevil, Colorado potato beetle, cucumber beetles, red imported fire ant, several other soil-inhabiting insects, and filth fly maggots in manure.
Diglyphus isaea
Product ID: DI250-Diglyphus isaea
These small wasps parasitize leafminer larvae in field and greenhouse crops. The parasitic wasp lays its eggs in or next to leaf miner larvae of the second and third instar. Diglyphus isaea kills leaf-miner larva in the mine and lays an egg on it. The egg develops into a parasitic wasp inside the mine (but outside the leaf miner), using the dead larva as food. Host-feeding also takes place. The young parasite larvae hatch from these eggs, and will then feed on the body fluids of the larvae. Duration of development; egg-adult, at 68ºF (20ºC) ± 16 days.
Whitefly Predatory Beetle -Delphastus pusillus
Product ID: DP10
Delphastus catalinae is considered an effective biological control agent for whiteflies because of its high prey consumption rates, long adult survival, and high reproduction rates. Delphastus catalinae has received research attention in Florida and other states for its value as a predator of the whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae), which is an economically important pest of ornamental and agricultural crops.
Aphidoletes aphidimyza
Product ID: AA2000
The aphid midge, Aphidoletes aphidimyza, is a cecidomyiid fly whose larvae are effective predators of aphids. The predacious larvae of these delicate, 3 mm. mosquito-like midges are best used for controlling substantial populations of more than 60 species of aphids. They feed by biting aphids and paralyzing them with a toxin before sucking out the aphid body fluids. They kill 3-50 aphids per day. Aphidoletes aphidimyza are used to control aphids indoors in commercial greenhouses and interior plantscapes as well as outdoors in orchards, shade trees, roses and home gardens.