Aphidius colemani, ervi mix
Product ID: ACE aphidius_colemani__ervi_mix
Aphidius colemani and Aphidius ervi are both parasitic wasps of a wide range aphid species. Using a mix of the two has a far greater probability of success in a greenhouse situation. Aphid endoparasitic wasps including Aphidius colemani and Aphidius ervi are 2-3 mm and 4-5 mm long and slender bodied, respectively. These two endoparasitic aphid wasps are mixed in a single package to target their different aphid species.
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Aphidius colemani
Product ID: AM10
The wasp genus Aphidius is a large group containing numerous species, all of which attack aphids and provide natural control of aphids in backyard gardens, commercial fields, and urban landscapes. They are generally used in greenhouses.
Aphidius colemani are small braconid wasps. Females lay eggs singly in aphid nymphs. The wasp larvae consume the aphids from inside. As the larvae mature and the aphids are killed, the aphids turn into mummies. After the larvae pupate, each adult wasp emerges through an exit hole cut in the mummy. In addition to killing aphids directly, mechanical disturbance of aphid colonies by the searching behavior of the adult wasps causes many aphids to fall off the plants and die.
Aphidius colemani are small braconid wasps. Females lay eggs singly in aphid nymphs. The wasp larvae consume the aphids from inside. As the larvae mature and the aphids are killed, the aphids turn into mummies. After the larvae pupate, each adult wasp emerges through an exit hole cut in the mummy. In addition to killing aphids directly, mechanical disturbance of aphid colonies by the searching behavior of the adult wasps causes many aphids to fall off the plants and die.